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Welcome to Worship for 8.1.2021
The Liturgical Sunday is 10th Sunday After Pentecost
Our Liturgical Color: Red
Thank You for Joining Us in Worship Today
CCLI #1551569 Streaming License #20483914 One License# 734087-A
UMH= United Methodist Hymnal 1987 (The Red Book)
TFWS= The Faith We Sing (The Black Hymn Book)
W&S = Worship and Song (The Green Book)
If you are fully vaccinated, you have the option not to wear a mask in the facility.
We strongly encourage our non-vaccinated attendees to still wear their mask while inside the facility,
We suggest that ages 5-11 still wear masks,
No recommendations for under the age 5.
We Center Ourselves in Worship Prelude Ramona Frazier Welcome to Tahlequah United Methodist Church Rev. Shana Dry Thank you for joining us as we give a review of our year during Covid For our online people please go to before 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. Now is the time to worship! Call To Worship All God of love and mercy, in the quiet peace of morning, we gather in this holy place to sing our praise to you and to be touched by your gentle Spirit. We offer grateful thanks for the gift of Sabbath rest and renewal. We pray that through our worship we may be recreated in your likeness once more. Hymn: There’s a Spirit of Love In This Place (two verses) UMH 3148
We Offer Our Prayers Together
Prayer of Confession All
In your holy presence O God, we mourn our divisions, acknowledge our fearfulness, and admit our shameful silence in the face of injustice. God, who in Christ reconciled all flesh and dismantled the divisions of race, class, gender and creed, forgive the smallness of our vision and our lack of concern. Ignite our commitment to reconciliation. Amen.
The Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 1: 5-7 Peggy Kaney
“I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure lives in you. For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands; for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”
Children’s Time at the Altar Peggy Kaney
Hymn: “In Christ There is No East or West” (Verses 1 and 2) UMH #548
We are standing on holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around;
let us praise Jesus now; we are standing in his presence on holy ground.
Today we pray for…. Rev. Shana Dry After each prayer request red: Pastor: God of Love, All: Hear our Prayer The Pastor will lift any prayers that have been made known to the office. You can submit a prayer request by going to After each request the pastor will respond with Lord, Hear this prayer. Please lift up: The United Methodist Church, Our Bishop Jimmy Nunn, and Our District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn, Our Pastors Matt Franks and Shana Dry, The NSU Wesley Foundation, Our Little Sprouts Preschool, All of our Local Schools, All of our Health Care Workers, Our Teachers, Support Staffs, and School Administration, All our Assisted Living Church Members. All of our Government leaders, local, state and national. Pat & Don Brock, Barbara Chambers, Maddie Cochran, Ellen Mathews, Paula & Lee Rippetoe, Monika Mann, John & Debbie Jensen, Cleo Hixon, Steve & Cindy Ullom, Pat and Vera Freeman, Kyle Rozell, George Foster, Lela and Gerald Stowers Our Military: Robert Isaacson, Seminary Student: Cody Robinson Pastoral Prayer Rev. Shana Dry The Lord’s Prayer ALL: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. We Make Our Offering Together Missions Judy Young UMW Co-President Thank you for your new or continued generosity towards God’s mission at Tahlequah UMC. When you give to Tahlequah UMC you are investing in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. TUMC has a global reach by helping various ministries locally and globally. Giving Options: · In-person offerings may be dropped in the offering box in the Sanctuary at the entry/exit on Sundays. · Offerings can also be mailed or dropped off at the church office 300 W. Delaware, Tahlequah Ok 74464 · Online Giving at · Through your Bank or Credit Union via Auto Check Offering Rev. Shana Dry Special Music with United Methodist Women Singers “A Place at the Table” #3141 Offertory Prayer Judy Young UMW Co-President We confess, O God, that we are often overwhelmed by needs in the world – hunger, disease, strife, prejudice, and many other problems. Receive these offerings as a signs that we will act to get something done instead of worrying about what we cannot do. Bless these gifts so that they will bring healing and love in Jesus’ name. Amen. We Hear The Word Proclaimed “Be Bold” Given by Jane Bond, UMW Co-President Sermon Notes: The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Communion Shana Dry
The Great Thanksgiving: Join us on Page 9 of the UMH for the Great Thanksgiving
To understand more about Communion, check out www.
Leader: Let us give thanks!
People: Our God has bent down and fed us!
Leader: Like a mother, God has held us;
People: Our God has calmed and quieted our fear!
Leader: Like a father, God has forgiven us,
People: And removed our sins from us!
Leader: Bless God’s holy name!
All: We thank you for the promise of this meal: presence to break the bonds of isolation,
power to overcome our powerlessness. We thank you for the promise of this day: new
life for tired spirits, victory for the faithful. Help us to reach out to each other in community and be agents of renewal. May your resurrection happen in and through us. Amen.
Sing As we come forward, let’s sing “One Bread, One Body” #620 UM Hymnal
Those who are comfortable may come forward to receive communion.
We are Sent Out To Love and Serve
Closing Hymn: In Christ There is No East or West (Verses 3 and 4) UMH 548
During this hymn if you want to come forward and spend some time at the kneeling rails to pray you are more than welcome to do so. If you need the Pastors to pray with you, please let them know. If you want to join our Church family today, please come forward and let us know so we can receive you into membership.
Announcements Keep up with events at Rev. Shana Dry
Benediction Rev. Shana Dry
Going out in Song: “As We Go” UMH #3181