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Celebration of the Gospel
Tahlequah First United Methodist Church
December 11, 2022, 10:00 am
Third Sunday of Advent

We Gather from the World to Praise God
Trumpet Prelude Dr. Ben Hay & Organist: Ramona Frazier
Welcome and Announcements Rev. Shana Dry
Choral Introit: “Glory to God” By Handel
+Opening Prayer: Liturgist
One: We praise you, O God, for being not only the God of history but the God of our story. You have gathered us here today to remind us that although you are the one to whom all power belongs, yet you care for the weak and powerless. You care for us. We praise you for joining your story to ours in such a special way through Jesus, our Lord. He proved his great love for you and for each person in the way he lived—releasing what was captive, lifting up the burdened, empowering the powerless.
All: God, source of lovingkindness and strength, we worship you. Jesus, foundation of our faith, we worship you.
Holy Spirit, ground of our very being, we worship you. Amen
+Hymn of Praise “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” UMH # 211
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10 Liturgist
Lighting of the Advent Candle Sarah and Harper Wyssmann and John Ann Duvall
“Candle Light, Sacred Light” (Tune of “Silent Night”)
We Pray for Ourselves
Call to Confession:
Every notion we have about power, success, wealth, and achievement, God takes and tosses out the window. More importantly, God comes to us, to upset our notion that we have to save ourselves. In Jesus, God comes to us, removing our sin, our failures, our expectations, so we might have new life. Please join me as we pray, saying.
Prayer of Confession:
We confess we are not the people you hope us to be, Advent God. The very ones you favor, we too often ignore or ridicule. The ones you knock off their pedestals, we admire and emulate. We are so focused on having more and more, we risk being sent away empty. Forgive us, Mighty God, and look with grace upon us. We want to live secure in your love; we want to be the peacemakers for our world; we want to seek to do your will, as did Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. It is in his name we pray. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon:
One: Even now—yes, even in this very moment, God comes to us bringing hope, bringing forgiveness bringing grace as freely offered gifts to us.
All: May we open our hearts to the God who is with us, and receive the gifts which have been offered to us. Thanks be to God. Amen.
We Pray for Our Children
Children’s Story Abigail Shaw-Bolen
“Away In A Manger” (Verse 1) UMH # 217
(Children who wish will depart for Children’s church)
Choral Contemplations: Arranged by Craig Courtney
“While Shepherds Lately Knelt”
Choral Contemplation: Words by Leslie Fields, Music by Dan Forrest
“Let the Stable Still Astonish”
We Hear the Word of God
Scripture Reading Luke 1: 46-55 Rev. Shana Dry
Homily: “Do You Know How to Practice Joy?” Rev. Shana Dry
Choral Traditional: Arranged by Craig Courtney
“Christmas Choral Fantasy”
We Respond to the Word
+ Hymn of Invitation: “Emmanuel, Emmanuel” UMH # 204
Choral Benediction: Music by David Schwoebel Based on Jude 1:24-25
“Ascription of Praise”
+ Postlude: Ramona Frazier
We Return to the World to Serve God
Getting to Know our Church Leaders
Bishop of the Oklahoma Annual Conference: Bishop Jimmy Nunn
Green Country District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn
Pastor: Rev. Shana Dry shana.dry@tahlequahumc.org
Administrative Assistant: Sara Webb office@tahlequahumc.org
Family Ministries Director: Abigail Shaw-Bolen youth@tahlequahumc.org
Media Director: Lois Ison
Director of Music: Dr. Bob Daniel
Organist: Ramona Frazier
Director of Celebration Ringers: Linda Cheatham
This week’s liturgist: Katie Reed
The sign-up sheet for serving as liturgist is on the red clipboard in the narthex.
UMH= United Methodist Hymnal 1987 (The Red Book)
TFWS = The Faith We Sing (The Black Hymn Book)
W&S = Worship and Song (The Green Book)
One License# 734087-A CLVI # #504347279
Connect with TUMC here: https://linktr.ee/tahlequahumc