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Week Six Gospel of Mark Readings

Week Six Gospel of Mark Readings

Take some time in your day to Read the daily reading slowly and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read. Reflect on what you heard, read or experienced when reading the word of God in with a journal or some other ways that you can express what you experienced as you read the scriptures. Respond in prayer, going to God with everything that is on your heart and just pray and take what you read and reflected upon and apply it to your life. Please share this with friends and family and invite them to Church on Sunday. You can even put together your own study group with the weekly readings.

Week Six July 2nd-July 8th

The Holy Week Begins

Monday Mark 11:1-19

Tuesday Mark 11:20-33

Wednesday Mark 12:1-17

Thursday Mark 12:18-34

Friday Mark 12:35-44

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