On April 25th we will return to a modified in-person worship option.
No in-person Sunday School or Nursey will be held at this time.
If you are attending in-person we will require participants to take these basic measures:
Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth at all times in the Building.
Keep a distance of at least 6 feet from those not in your household.
Please use hand sanitizers and wash hands.
Seating in the sanctuary will be staggered with space offered in the balcony and in the Atrium if needed. If you have questions about where to sit please ask the Ushers.
We will refrain from Congregational singing during worship.
We will offer no Pew Bibles, Hymnals, or registration pads will be available for use.
We ask you not to attend in-person if you have felt ill or have a fever. We will still be living streaming on Youtube and Facebook.
The Worship Structure will be modified.
You will be exited out of the sanctuary by the ushers at the end of the service.
Communion will be Come and Recieve Style as directed by the pastors.
Then on May 16th
Sunday School Classes and Nursery will resume at 8:45 a.m. and 10 a.m. Worship Time.
If active cases rise to June 2020 levels we will return to online-only worship.