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Connect, Serve, Grow for 6.10.19

Here is worship from Sunday June 9th 2019

Come and Check out our 2019 Vacation Bible School as we learn how we should treat our neighbors and strengthen our connection to God. VBS is for children who are going into PreK- through 5th grade. Younger children may attend with an adult volunteer. Adult volunteers still needed. Register at

Events for this week at Tahlequah FUMC

Stay Connected to the Church Calendar:

Sunday June 9th

8:45 a.m. –9:45 a.m. Sunday School

10:00 a.m. Celebration Worship

5:00 p.m. Ice Cream Social

Monday June 10th

5:30 p.m. Vacation Bible School

Tuesday June 11th

8:30 a.m. Building Repair Group

1:15 p.m. Care Team

5:30 p.m. Vacation Bible School

Wednesday June 12th

5:30 p.m. Vacation Bible School

Thursday June 13th

10:30 a.m. Thursday Morning Group

5:00-6 pm. Feed My Sheep Meal

5:30 p.m. Vacation Bible School

Sunday June 9th

9 am –10 am Sunday School

10:00 a.m. Celebration Worship

5p.m. Ice Cream Social Activities Building

We have a Mission Team at Sager Brown Depot June 8th-15th Lift them up in prayers.

Donuts with Dads June 16th 9 a.m.: June 16th we will be honoring our dads. All men are welcomed to come to the Atrium that Sunday morning at 9 a.m., we will have donuts, and breakfast pastries as well as juice and milk. Come sit for a bit take a picture with your child or children and let us honor ALL the men of the church.

Upcoming Picnic  July 21st 5 p.m.: Save the date of July 21st. We will be having an all-church picnic that everyone is invited to. At 5 pm at Cherokee Landing on Tenkiller Lake. The church van will be going out and can give you a ride if you would like. It will be a pot-luck. More details will be coming as time gets closer. Save the date! It will be a GREAT Time had by all.

Here are some of the pictures from Sunday Night’s Ice Cream Social

To help with any and all of these events contact the Family Life Chairperson Angela Dry at

2019 Dates for Community Food Bank

August 10th 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. | November 9th 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

For more info about these dates contact James Bond at

For Disaster relief info talk with Pastor Matt and keep an eye on our website and social media for opportunities to connect. Also, join our Text Connect to stay current.

ERT Training SAT. JUNE 15, 2019 FROM 8-3


Scripture Readings

  1. Sunday: Mark 1:16-18

  2. Monday: Proverbs 8:1-4

  3. Tuesday: Psalm 8

  4. Wednesday: Romans 5:1-5

  5. Thursday: John 16:12-15

  6. Friday: Luke 1:37

Prayer for this week:  May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you: wherever he may send you; may he guide you through the wilderness: protect you through the storm; may he bring you home rejoicing: at the wonders he has shown you; may he bring you home rejoicing: once again into our doors. ~ Claiborne, Shane. Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals (p. 63). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

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