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Connect, Serve and Grow for 3.9.2020

At Tahlequah United Methodist Church we strive to be a Church of Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of ourselves and the world. If you are new to Tahlequah United Methodist Church check out the I Am New page.

Sunday’s begin at 8:45 a.m. with gathering and coffee time. Then Sunday School for all ages begins at 9 a.m. Worship begins at 10 a.m.

Overeaters Anonymous meets Tuesday nights at 6pm

If you are interested in learning about the 12 Steps in Overeaters Anonymous, please join us.  The meetings are open and any person who wants to refrain from compulsive eating or eating behaviors is encouraged to attend.  The meetings are on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. in Room 323. Please use the side door off State Street and take the elevator up to the 3rd floor.

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

The 10th Annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, at 11:30 a.m. in Norris Park. This community-wide event offers public support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and is a major fundraiser for Help In Crisis, Inc. Our church will again field a team of brave men willing to put their ankles on the line for this cause. If you want to join the team, contact Janet Stucky at 918-931-2245.

Join our Relay for Life Team

The Relay for Life will be on Saturday, May 30 (5/30/20) from 3p.m.-9p.m. at the Hulbert City Park.  The Survivor Dinner will be Tuesday, April 7 (4/7/20) at 6:00 p.m. at the Indian Vo-Tech in Tahlequah.  Please join our team either by becoming a team member or by supporting us financially.  If you have any questions, call team captain Melanie Moden at 918-316-8179.

Sedan Floral fundraiser!

The Youth Ministries are inviting you to keep an eye out for order forms at the church. We would like you to join in our youth ministry by purchasing flowers from us!

Send a Youth and Child to Camp Lunch March 29th After Worship

Help send one of our Children and Youth to Church Camp this summer. For more info on camp talk, contact Ashley Franks or Abigail Shaw-Bolen

Easter Egg Hunt

We are going to have an Easter Egg Hunt for our kids on Palm Sunday, April 5 at 9:15 a.m. This will be during the Sunday School Hour. We will need CANDY for this event. If you are willing to donate a bag or two for this, please bring it to the church office by March 29. This way we will have plenty of time to prepare the eggs.

Our Community Easter Egg Event

We will be at the Methodist Home at 11 a.m. on April 11th. If you want to help donate money for our Eggs you can put 201 Easter Eggs on your check or online donation. For this hunt, we use Sunny Bunny Easter Eggs, which is a program of SWI Industrial Solutions and has been providing meaningful employment to people with disabilities since 1966.

Devotional Reding for Week Two

Leaning into Humility


6Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. ~1 Peter 5:6-7 (NRSV)


Humility opens our ears to hear and our eyes to see.


Finding ways to enter more fully into humility and compassion

When I was just starting out my career in medicine 28 years ago, I had always been in the role as a student which kept my pride in check. Over time, as I rose through the ranks of the medical staff, I gained position and influence in my professional arena. This spilled over into parts of my personal life as well. Overt pride which manifests in control or dominion over others is not of God, nor is it particularly attractive to others. It can push people away from the love of God. I had fallen into the trap of enjoying a position of privilege. I needed to face my fear of letting go of that pride-laced power.

I was recently reminded of how my body language can communicate a message entirely different from the spoken message that I was delivering. Luckily, I was able to vulnerably process the encounter with fellow seminary students who gently pointed out that perhaps I might reflect on the way that Jesus communicated his compassion for others through humility. As I processed my own “fear of letting go of control,” I realized that I had not been leaning into a Christ-modeled humility in my interactions with colleagues. I had become accustomed to being “in charge” in situations, and God needed to give me a wake-up call to return to compassion through the lens of humility.


Dear Lord, please help me rid myself of pride and the need for control. By practicing humility, Jesus taught us how to grow in compassion for others. Please let us see and hear others as you would see them. May we see your presence within their hearts. Amen.

Dr. Jonathan Drummond Eye Doctor in Stillwater, Ok and Seminary Study at Iliff Theological School in Denver, Co.

For the Scripture Readings and Prayers for this week Check out our

Lenten Devotional Guide at


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