Connect, Serve, and Grow with us at Tahlequah United Methodist Church a United Methodist Community who strives to be a Church of Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of ourselves and of the world.
The Connect, Serve, and Grow is info that is going on in the Church. You can find a printed copy at the Church. But sometimes we have some last-minute unprinted additions.
Click on this link to watch this past Sunday’s service.
Upcoming TUMC Opportunities
Overeaters Anonymous meets Tuesday nights at 6pm
If you are interested in learning about the 12 Steps in Overeaters Anonymous, please join us. The meetings are open and any person who wants to refrain from compulsive eating or eating behaviors is encouraged to attend. The meetings are on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. in Room 323. Please use the side door off State Street and take the elevator up to the 3rd floor.
Senior Adult Ministries Kickoff Gathering Potluck March 1st After Worship
We are kicking off a new ministry that looks to create a Senior Adult Ministry. If you want to be a part of this group join us on March 1st after worship in the Atrium for a time of fellowship, potluck, and planning on what this new ministry can do. Please contact Monica VanDonkleaar at (918)718-9291 or email at
Help Circle of Care During Lent Lent Starts Feb. 26
Help Circle of Care support local foster families! During Lent, there will be a pack-n-play set up in the narthex to fill up with supplies that will help families in the Tahlequah/Gore/Muskogee areas. We are looking for donations of suitcases in good condition, ethnic Barbie’s and toys, diapers, wipes, pull ups, and other baby supplies (except clothes).
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
The 10th Annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, at 11:30 a.m. in Norris Park. This community-wide event offers public support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and is a major fundraiser for Help In Crisis, Inc. Our church will again field a team of brave men willing to put their ankles on the line for this cause. If you want to join the team, contact Janet Stucky at 918-931-2245.
Join our Relay for Life Team
The Relay for Life will be on Saturday, May 30 (5/30/20) from 3p.m.-9p.m. at the Hulbert City Park. The Survivor Dinner will be Tuesday, April 7 (4/7/20) at 6:00 p.m. at the Indian Capitol Vo-Tech in Tahlequah. Please join our team either by becoming a team member or by supporting us financially. If you have any questions, call team captain Melanie Moden at 918-316-8179.
Wild Onion Dinner
Thursday, March 5 (3-5-20), there will be a Wild Onion Dinner at the Etchieson UMC church on W. Seneca Ave. Food will be served from 11am to 1pm. The cost is $10.00. Take outs will be available.
